We are happy to be back on road. Heading to east was more faster and days were little blurry.
We werent counting days or checking hours. we didnt even know which day it was. Our days were starting with sunrise and ending with sunset.

Couple of last photos on our way home. Leaving the mountains behind.....


More trails and more offroad

Sena was telling me that she needs knobbie tires for her next trip


You lose sense of distance in this kind of roads. Sometimes gravel gets so soft. you focus on couple of meters ahead, and when you look up it feels like im just riding in same spot for hours.

Sena was having diffucult time on soft gravel. it was deep and way too soft !!
Her bike didnt have knobbies like myself. It was hard for her to go faster to be able keep her balance. But she did an amazing job. i did try to ride her bike once ...to be hones it was soo diffucult !!